For all classes at CFB, your go-to for updates is Wodify. When there is a question of whether class will be on, check Wodify before you leave your house and you shouldn’t have any trouble.
Our early morning classes often begin before the call is made to cancel Montgomery County schools or close the government, so we are unable to use one of these calls to determine the cancellation of classes. On questionable week days, we will make the call by 4:30am. We will post on social media, cancel wodify classes, and create an announcement on Wodify by 4:30am. On questionable weekends, we will make the call by 7:15am and post to social media, cancel wodify classes, and create an announcement on Wodify.
In addition, we have enabled the SMS texting service on Wodify. We will send a text notifying of class cancellations to CrossFit Bethesda members who have opted in to receiving text messages. To join this, send a text with the content ILoveFran to 27677. Many of you have already opted into this, but to be sure you have, please text ILoveFran to 27677 (all the standard text messaging rates of your carrier apply).
We understand a number of members live within walking distance of the gym, including some coaches, so if we can get in, we will have classes and/or open gym. With that said, always use your best judgement as to whether it is safe for you to make it into the gym. If it’s not safe to get in, build a snowman, shovel your driveway FOR TIME, check out TheDailyDose.Fit or just take a rest day so you’re better prepared for the next days workout!