This years Open Season was incredible to say the least. Week three was the biggest of them all with morning/midday/evening members cheering one another on for the final workout of the open season.
The winning team was Masters of the Wodiverse with a whopping 313 points! Silverbacks came in second place with 272 points and Jacked in the Box came in third place with 200 points. Thanks for participating in the weekly themes and hopping in on the Friday Night Lights fun. This year was definitely one to remember!
This years M/F winners according to point accumulation were:
Galen Gist & Sam Schweickhardt
Bill Davies & Chenae Toerien
Brent Bubany & Amy Wood
This years top M/F winners overall according to performance in the open were:
Aaron Levin & Sarah Bass
Thanks to DJ Mario for coming out and spinning the best tunes in the gym and to every single member who participated, spectated, and judged. You guys absolutely ROCK! To say that we love what we do is an understatement. Each and every one of you make this community what it is and we couldn’t do what we do without you. This open wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun without you all there participating. We can’t wait for next year’s open season and all of the upcoming events that we have in the works! Remember, you can become a completely different person in one year. Lets get fit and healthy together!
Check out pictures below: