For the month of September we are going to finish up with our front squat and shoulder press progression hopefully hitting some new PR’s. We will then transition into a new percentage based back squat cycle while continuing to work on our improving our overhead position in our snatch. You will see some snatch EMOM’s where I encourage you to focus more on dropping low underneath the bar instead of forcing some heavy weight that causes you to lose focus on form. We want to improve our barbell cycling before the CrossFit Open comes!
This month you will also see some new lateral/power focused movements such as broad jumps and shuffles to start working our bodies a little differently. Remember power doesn’t mean just lifting heavy! It means moving your body through space with explosive force and speed! In the following month you will start seeing lateral movements in metcons however for the next few weeks you will start to see them pop up in our warm ups to get your body accustomed to them.
For our metcons we’ve got a few hero/ memorial tribute wods coming up and also some really good partner wods. Wodapalooza Competition qualifiers are here so this will a good time to start practicing partner workouts with your teammates. Wodapalooza individual qualifier starts September 14th and teams of 3 qualifier starts October 12th. Last year we had a big group of us go down to Miami and compete so let’s go down with a bigger group this year!!
-Coach Ray