The return to the gym has been easy for some and challenging for others. No matter your experience, we’ve all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in various ways. Some peoples worlds were massiviely changed and other saw only small differences. For some, the changes caused by the pandemic has allowed them to attain new maxes and for others it’s been tough to get back into the swing of it all. Things that happen outside the gym can have an effect on what happens in the gym and vice versa.

To gain some insight, we have invited sports psychologist Dr. Brad Bryk to the gym for a talk about managing expectations post COVID-19 on Sunday, July 11 at 10am (NOTE – we will NOT be having a 10am class on Sunday, July 11). Dr. Bryk is excited to provide insight and teach us strategies to better manage and cope with the impact that COVID-19 has had on our lives. We will spend time bringing to our awareness the various stressors and changes that we have noticed and discuss how our expectations might be holding us back from reaching our best performances in and out of the gym. During the presentation, Brad will guide the group in a few experiential exercises to support everyone in cultivating new techniques to better manage our anxieties within ourselves and our communities.
All are welcome (members, friends, families, non-members). To help us set up for the event, please RSVP via this facebook event and share with your friends!