As I’m sure you all have noticed, we have updated some things at the gym! We want to start by saying THANK YOU for your patience with everything. As 2021 came to a close, we decided to bring in the new year with a gym facelift so to speak.
We see most of you on a pretty consistent basis and we wanted to give back by showing our appreciation for your continued dedication to your health and our CFB community. We wouldn’t be here without each and every one of you. To those of you who helped out with our painting party, THANK YOU. We seriously would not have been able to reopen in three days if it weren’t for all of you. You all ROCK!
We are just about done with the improvements. This coming week, the bathrooms and showers should be complete and that just leaves some fine tuning to be done and we will be 100% ready for a facelift photoshoot! 🙂 If you have any questions regarding the improvements, please shoot us an email or ask a coach and we will be happy to answer your questions.
I truly couldn’t ask for a better CFB family. Spending our days with you all and seeing you each improve in the gym on a daily basis brings us as coaches so much joy and fulfillment. Thanks for sticking with us through everything, and we hope you enjoy our new space as much as we do with you in it! Oh, and don’t forget to get that post workout boost at our new coffee bar! WHAAAAT?! Yes. Caffeine and CrossFit, what better duo is there?!
Thank you,
Diana Agostinho