As we settle in to 2021, we are keeping our cardio Sundays in the mix! In addition, you will see upper-body focused strength days, lower-body focused strength days, core focused days (although is there ever a day where we aren’t giving your core a good workout!?), and mental toughness days.
Our lower body work right now is focused on improving your front squats and deadlifts. Front squats have amazing transferability to the cleans, and I bet we will see some of those in the Open this year! Speaking of the CrossFit Open – it will be here before you know it – so get practicing on your skills (double unders, chest to bar pull-ups, muscles up)! You will see them pop up in these workouts – and remember to figurue out how to find the intensity in these workouts. Scale the movements so you can go HARD while staying SAFE and the gainz will follow!