Join CFB for some Rainbows and Sprinkles and help us support Team DC! We will kick off our Pride celebration with our Rainbows and Sprinkles WOD on Sunday June 27th . This WOD is one that we designed to be accessilbe AND challenging for athletes of all levels. Everyone is welcome at thie event – but we do need everyone to register for a spot before the event. That means if you want to bring a friend or you are not currently a CFB member, you need to email us ( so you get a spot!
Rainbow and sprinkles
500 meters row OR 400 meter run
50 double unders
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 burpees
10 push-ups
Heats will run at the (new) normal weekend class times of 7:30am, 8:45am, and 10am. At 11am, the Post-WOD party kick off with tie-dying and rainbow cupcakes courtsey of Grandma’s Bakery in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.

If you would like to tie-dye, you can bring your own gear OR you can buy a white CFB shirt. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO TEAM DC – an amazing nonprofit (501(c)(3)) organization established to educate the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community on the benefits of individual and team sports participation. We need you to register for your heat for the Rainbow and Sprinkles WOD and if you can, please RSVP for the tie-die party on facebook so we can get an idea of how many to expect! ALL ARE WELCOME for the WOD and for the PARTY – bring your family and friends for some fun times!!