RECAP: In April, we worked much on posture strength with lots of paused squats which led us into May with a strong base and bottom position. This allowed for the main focus to be on strengthening our overhead position. The squats didn’t stop, however, and we continued throughout the month working on squat volume to prep for some upcoming PR’s! *hint*
This month, June, we will be applying our newly developed overhead squat strength to our snatch to see if we feel more stable in the overhead catch position, thus, allowing us to improve our technique and/or overall snatch strength! Additionally, we will be working more toward heavy singles in back squat, deadlift, and bench press with the ultimate goal to retest and hopefully hit some PR’s! YAY!
Lastly, we are taking a small break from doing weekly 40 minute EMOM’s- don’t worry, they aren’t going permanently!
The program is written up until July 3rd, and we will be completing our annual ‘Cody’ WOD at Lake Needwood on Sunday, July 3th. More info to come on this.