In line with the Montgomery County Council’s resolution that was adopted on May 18th, we are loosening the mask requirement in the gym. If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer have to wear a mask in the gym. Of course, if you would like to continue to wear a mask, we welcome you to do so. As always, if you are not feeling well or have been in close contact with someone who is ill, please take a day off and participate in an at-home version of the workout!
We will continue with all of our cleaning measures and working out in a designated workout space. We are SO thankful of your help throughout this pandemic and so thankful we are making it through together. Although I wouldn’t say it’s over yet, we are closer everyday! If you are not yet fully vaccinated (2 weeks post the last vaccination of the series), please continue to wear your mask. We know it has not been easy and we know that we are all stronger together!