Bethesda Barbell

We are very excited to announce the addition of a new program offering. This new program will be available to all of our current Unlimited members, and it will also be available as a stand alone program, for anyone who wants to join.

Introducing, Bethesda Barbell!!!

The new Bethesda Barbell program will be a periodized strength program, run independently of our regular CrossFit classes. The program will focus primarily on general strength development, utilizing basic barbell movements, functional bodybuilding, and a few simple Olympic style Weightlifting variations. This program is ideal for anyone who wishes to get more focused experience with the barbell, improve functional strength, and build lean muscle mass.

Bethesda Barbell will run on Sundays, at 11am, along with Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7:30pm; sessions will be approximately an hour long. This new program will run in periodized blocks. The initial 10 week block will begin on Sunday, October 24th, and conclude on Thursday, December 30th. All current Unlimited members are invited to join, at no additional cost. Non members are also welcome to join. The non-member enrollment, for the initial 10 week block, will be a one time fee of $495, plus an optional $99 add on, for Open Gym access.

If you are interested in participating in the new Bethesda Barbell program, please add your name and information to the sign up list, here.

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