Fall is here and that means it’s GAINZ season! There’s no better time than the fall to begin working on our base strength, and build as much as we can for the upcoming open season. Be ready for a squat cycle, a pressing cycle, and a deadlift cycle over the next four months.
In the spirit of Squatober we will begin building that foundational strength with the back squat. Get ready for tree trunk legs- kidding. 🙂 This cycle will consist of 10 weeks of squatting twice per week. The cycle is based off of a hatch squat program and will end with a de-load week followed by a retest of our 1 rep max on week 10. Leg strength and core strength carry over to many other movements we do in CrossFit so let’s work on bending those knees!
You will see some repeat workouts this month to retest your capacity. We will continue to work on volume in our metcons, and will have our pump sesh accessory/aerobic days to break up the week.
Remember to log all of your scores in Wodify! Logging isn’t just for those who are competitive in the gym or those who like to compare scores. Logging allows us to view your progress and adjust the programming accordingly, so please, log your scores so we can better your experience with us!
Thanks fam,
Coach D