As we move into summer we will direct our focus to a little more volume in our conditioning while building back our back squat strength and introducing some sumo deadlifts. We want to build your capacity for higher volume over the next month so that we can transition into a squat program based off a leg program I personally called my “Treg” program (tree trunk leg). It has been scientifically proven (not really, but, really) to increase your squat strength by 500% LOL. You’ll see more of this next month.
To start building our capacity for higher volume, each week we will back squat one day and sumo deadlift another. Our back squat percentages will have a nice linear progression each week and paired with the sumo deadlifts we hope to see an improvement in your posterior chain (hamstrings/glutes) engagement. You will also see metcons with a little more “time under tension” meaning bigger sets of movements, and some days will have multiple metcons or multiple lifts.
Lastly, over the past few months we have worked on a lot of barbell cycling in our metcons, so, in the coming month’s metcons we will be utilizing more kettlebells and dumbbells to balance it out and increase the variety. Weekly 40 min EMOM’s are back because who doesn’t love a good 40 min EMOM. 😉
– Coach Ray