We all met up at 9:00 am on Tuesday, July 4th, to complete our very own hero WOD, ‘Cody’ in honor of Cody Iorns.
Cody loved life, as some of you may remember his smile and enthusiasm while working with Coach Yav at CFB. He was an army field medic who lost his arms in a motorcycle accident and sadly passed while paddle boarding in the Chesapeake Bay. Physical activity challenged Cody and sparked a competitive spirit within him that helped him beat the odds. Check out his hero WOD below:
For time:
Run 2 miles, then;
200′ Walking Lunges
50 Burpees
100′ Bear Crawl
50 Sit Ups
200′ Walking Lunges
50 Push Ups
100′ Bear Crawl
Following the workout, we hosted a picnic with some foods and drinks. It was delicious!
Check out the photos from the recap below!

Thank you to everyone who joined us to commemorate Cody!