As we continue with the strength cycle we started in May, we will work with you to keep pushing up your weights (safely, of course!). There’s nothing too new and no major changes, you just need to keep putting in the work to build you strength. We are working towards hitting some PRs toward the end of summer – so take you time on your paused back squats and the rewards will come!
As for the Olympic lifting, keep working on your timing and form. We know some of the Olympic lifts can be difficult to master (think progress, not perfection), but taking the time to feel the lifts and move well with the lower weights will make you stronger at other things. Often people want to go heavy on these lifts because they think they should (I’m still not sure what that means!) or that you have to lift heavy to get stronger. While it is true that lifting heavy things makes you stronger, you can’t go heavy until you have the mechanics and mastering the mechanics will make you stronger.
Lastly, keep an eye for the workouts for Juneteenth (June 19) and our Pride dedicated workout (June 26). We’re planning some fun events for those days – so watch for more details on each event coming soon. Both workouts will be challenging for all and we invite you to bring a friend those days (contact us so we can save them a spot!).