Usually here is where we write some messages about our programming for the coming week, but as you are all aware, we are in the mist of a large public health crisis. I wanted to take this time to discuss our plan for the coming weeks at CrossFit Bethesda in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.
We are a community of health and fitness that extends beyond our membership. We do not want to ever put anyone unnecessarily at risk to catch or pass along this, or any, virus. We are limiting class sizes to 15 people starting Monday and strictly enforced Tuesday. Ownership is continually discussing closing our doors but as of now we will remain open.
As this is an evolving and fluid situation, we may close the gym for a period of time with short notice, so please watch Wodify, social media, and the CFB blog for updates. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that you take a look at the ‘Announcements’ section in Wodify everytime you go to log into your classes. Furthermore, we need you to pre login to ALL classes. Again, starting tomorrow and enforced Tuesday, we have a 15 person limit to all CFB classes and absolutely NO open gym during class times.
For people who are concerned about being in public places, we are also posting “At-home” workouts to Wodify every day. In the event we need to close the gym for a time, we plan to continue offering at home and will add live virtual workouts with the possibility of borrowing equipment for those who do not have equipment at home. If we get to that point, we will provide more details of what to expect. For now, please make use of the at home workouts in the event you need or would like to self-quarantine.
At the Box, we will continue to keep classes to 55 minutes to allow adequate time for cleanup and hand washing. We have hand sanitizing stations in the front and back of the gym, and we ask everyone to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the gym. The gym will be routinely wiped down throughout the day, and coaches have been advised to prioritize cleaning things even throughout their classes – so don’t be surprised if the coaches are wiping something down mid-WOD!
Keep it clean at the gym, wash your hands, be kind to each other, stay home if you’re not feeling well or if you are working closely with high risk populations, and keep moving no matter what! Remember — you can still workout even if you don’t or can’t make it to the gym (check for at-home workouts in Wodify!), and we look forward to working together through these times!